This life takes a toll on us time and again. And there are very few people we genuinely look up to for guidance and understanding. There can be times when their deposition may be hidden from us, but when the sky clears and the dark clouds scatter, they are the people who stand by us and add more brightness and love to our lives. Indeed, they are the best creation of God and we should feel grateful for having them in our little lives. The support and care with which they fill us is unmatchable. Let’s be thankful to these gems of our lives, it is for all the kindness and generosity that is within them that makes the whole world beautiful! Here are a few messages and quotes you can send to these near and dear people of your life who fill you with love and happiness.

Thank You For Understanding Me Quotes And Messages

  • You have been very kind to me in times of adversity and in times of happiness. Thank you for all the love and support you have shown towards me. I greatly admire your understanding.
Thank you for all the love and support you have shown towards me
  • Your magnanimous personality never fails to influence me. You have been the most generous and thoughtful person I have ever met. Thank you for being a part of my little life, you have been so understanding towards me throughout time. 
  • I feel taken aback by your generosity! You have made so many sacrifices and compromises for the people you love! I feel blessed to be one of those people in your life. You have never failed to understand me, even at moments of adversity, you have always held me tight!
  • It is only about time that I realise how precious you are to me! You have been by my side in circumstances when I do not even know myself. Thank you for making the effort to be in my life at times when no one else would.
Thank you for all the love and support you have shown towards me
  • You are the most beautiful creation of God. Thank you for making me a better person. Your persona inspires me to be better at everything I do. Thank you for understanding me when I do any falter, people like you are seriously very rare to find!
  • Thank you for understanding my problem. You are the most kind and generous person I have known. Your wisdom has never failed to influence me to turn into a better person. Your beliefs and values remain unchallenged in a world where everything is fabricated and forged.
  • Thank you for understanding why I am the way I am, very few people get it! You are one of those few people now, I feel incredibly blessed to have you in my life. I might have never found a person as compassionate as you in my mortal life. You have made everything so beautiful and worthwhile!
  • Your compassion baffles me sometimes, how can a person be so sophisticated and understanding in a world which is incredibly inclined towards fabrication and superficialism! God has done a miracle by sending you into our lives, we are so grateful to him since he has given us such an understanding person!
  • Thank you for understanding me, my beloved friend! Your nobility and magnanimity never fails to outshine all the negativity and bad energy in the room. You make everyone so content and merry.
Thank you for all the love and support you have shown towards me
  • You have got the kindest soul my friend! I feel so blissful for having you in my life. You have understood me at moments when no one else did. I feel indebted to you for the innumerous amount of compassion you have for people in your heart.
  • Thank you for listening to me! I really needed to open up to someone, you have never judged me even for the slightest of misfortune I have gone through. It takes a lot to be so forgiving and generous. I feel greatly obliged to you.
  • I feel beholden towards you, the kind gesture you have shown by not assuming or judging me by the rumours and tittle-tattles, it’s beyond expressabel! I felt so strangled in my mind before talking to you, now that I know you understand me, I feel deeply comforted.
  • Thank you for making me feel comfortable and confident about myself. Confiding my stress and problems to you was the best decision I made. You are the most understanding person I have ever talked to.
  • Thank you for the advice you gave to me, they are more than helpful for me! I never thought I would get such an understanding friend in you.
  • I feel deeply grateful that I opened up to you. You have been nothing but kind to me since the moment I told you what was going on in my mind. I feel obliged to have a friend like you. Thank you for supporting me in these very hard times.
  • You have given me the best guidance and support that I can ask for. Your ideas and thinking process leaves me awestruck every time. You have understood me in moments of despair and adversity, I could never be thankful enough to you for that!
  • Thank you for understanding my dilemma. I really needed to get it out of my head, sharing my problems with a friend has never been easy for me, but you made it feel so sophisticated and simple. I feel greatly relieved and stronger than ever before.
  • It’s rightly said that the best people in our lives come absolutely free! You are that person to me – you have stayed beside me, holding me tight in thunderstorms and cyclones and I can never be thankful enough to you for that. I feel so special and blessed to have you as my friend!
Thank you for all the love and support you have shown towards me
  • I sincerely appreciate your efforts and attempts to understand me. I know how hard it must be for you too right now. You are the most beautiful person I have known, thank you for bearing me at times and understanding me in moments of anguish.
  • I feel so happy after talking to you. No one understands me like you do! You have never judged me for who I am or for my identity, thank you once again, you beautiful soul!
Thank you for all the love and support you have shown towards me