Foster parents are the people who open their homes and provide a family for children who have been neglected, abused or abandoned. They take on all the responsibilities of being a parent while the biological parents are unable to take care of them. These foster parents devote their time and resources to this purpose while also providing a safe environment for kids to grow up until they can be reunited with their biological families.

It is important to let your foster parents know they are appreciated and valued. You can thank them with a card, letter or handwritten note to show them how much you cherish what they have done for you.

thank you quotes for foster parents

Foster children can find it hard to find the right words to thank their foster parents. But all you need to do is be honest and tell them how you feel. Getting a sincere appreciation is nothing less than a joyful feeling.

How to Write a Heartwarming Thank You Letter to My Foster Parents?

Foster children usually have empathy and affection in their hearts for their foster parents and this can help writing a thoughtful note. Here are some steps you can follow to craft a heartfelt message!

  1. Mention how the foster parents make you feel. Their love for you, their sacrifices, their way to fulfilling responsibility towards you, all should be mentioned.
  2. Don’t hesitate to tell them that you value and love them a lot.
  3. Think about their favorite quality of yours and mention that. This will make them feel special.

The following thank-you letter samples provide some great ways to share your gratitude:

Dear _____,

Thank you so much for your hospitality these past few weeks. The food was delicious, you’re a great cook! I’m sorry if I was of any trouble. You are the best foster parents ever! I will always remember everything you have done for me and what an amazing experience it has been knowing you. As much as it hurts to say goodbye, know that it is not for good, and I will never forget what a great time we had together.

Hi _____!

I just wanted to thank you for everything you have done. You have given me so much of yourself, and I really appreciate it. Thank you for being a foster parent. Thank you for giving me a roof over my head when I didn’t have one before. Thank you for being there for me during the hard times in my life. It means the world to me that someone was there with support and encouragement when I needed it most. And thank you for making sure that I had food to eat, clothes to wear, and love all around me, because without your love and care, I don’t know where I would be today.

I hope this letter expresses how grateful I am for what you do every day! Thank you again!

Thank You Quotes to Foster Parents

If you want some inspiration from ready-made thank you messages, you are in the right place. We have some deep, meaningful, affectionate thank you notes for foster parents. You can get inspiration from one or multiple messages.

  • Thank you for taking me into your home and making me feel like your very own son. Your kind behavior and affection towards me have enabled me to be a better person in life. I can never thank you enough for all the things you have done for me.
thank you for making me feel like your own son
thank you for making me feel like your own son
  • My sweet parents, the way you adopted me and made me feel like I have someone in this world, I appreciate that very much. If you didn’t adopt me, I don’t know where I would be today. Because of your love and kindness, I am what I am today. Thank you so much for choosing me and treating me the best way possible.
  • You are like my angel in this world, protecting me from all the harm. You have always guided me and treated me like a blood child. I believe kindness, love, trust, and empathy are much thicker bonds than blood, and you guys are the reason for this belief. Thank you so much!
  • Thank you for understanding a stranger child so well that all traumas were healed. Thanks to you, I could get through my childhood issues and become a better person. You provided me with the best food, shelter, education, and above all, love. Words aren’t enough to thank you, but I want you to know that I value you greatly.
  • Adopting a child isn’t easy. You increase your responsibilities to a considerable amount and make a lot of sacrifices. It is truly unbelievable that people like you exist in this cruel world. You guys restored my faith in humanity, and I shall never let you down. I hope I can always be the best kid and make you very proud. Thank you, dear foster parents.
  • Despite having kids of your own, you adopted me and disturbed your family’s environment. I never felt left out in this house and always felt like an essential part of this family. You guys are my true inspiration, and I love you all so much. Thank you for all you have done for me.
  • You have been my comforter whenever I was distressed. All the sleepless nights you had because of me can never be appreciated enough. However, I would like to thank you for accepting me as your own and giving me so much love consistently.
  • It was hard for me to adjust to new people as a kid. All the trauma and terror from the outside world were difficult to cope with. But your patience, compassion, and warmth towards me made it much easier. You taught me to be brave and face my fears. If I didn’t have you on my back, I could never survive in this world. Thank you for teaching me everything good and making me a stronger person.
  • It inspires me so much when I think about how you took up a child you didn’t know and put all your trust in him. I hope I can be as generous and kind-hearted as you so at least one person in this world can feel happy because of me. My dear foster parents, you are the definition of humanity and compassion towards other people. I wish every abandoned kid gets foster parents like you.

Short and Sweet Thank You Quotes for Foster Parents

Sometimes, only one or two sentences of good words are enough to applaud anyone. Just a bunch of kind words will make the foster parents happy.

  • Thank you foster parents, for bringing so much happiness, tranquility, and stability to my life.
  • Dear foster parents, you have always made me feel like your own. I hope I can make you proud one day.
  • I know I have been hard to handle at times, but you never let me feel bad about myself. Thank you for all the love, dear foster parents.
  • My sweet foster parents, I am glad I found you because you have made my life worth living.
  • Your unconditional love for me has enabled me to be a confident person in life. Thank you for choosing me.
  • You gave me a family I thought I would never have. I can never appreciate your love and patience enough. So, thank you foster parents for everything.
Thank you for your love and patience
Thank you for your love and patience
  • All the words in the dictionary aren’t enough to describe your kindness and compassion. But today, I would like to thank my dear foster parents for this home and family.
  • Our connection feels biological because of your unconditional love and care for me.
  • Every abandoned child deserves foster parents like you. You are my heroes, and I can never be grateful enough to you.
  • No matter how far you had to go for me, you never hesitated or showed me how tired you were. I love you a lot, and thank you so much for giving me this life.

Foster Care Quotes to Encourage Foster Parents

A thank you note can make a huge difference in the lives of foster parents. It is a small gesture that shows respect and gratitude for all they do. If you know any person involved in foster care and want to thank them for helping this society, the below messages are for you.

  • Dear foster parents, you have accepted the child in your home and brought him well. We are all exceptionally inspired by your upbringing and love for this kid. Our society deserves more people like you. Thank you for your contribution to making this world a better place.
  • We would like to felicitate how you raise your foster child. He/she is a bright student with so much confidence and talent. We believe a big part of it is because of your upbringing and compassion for the kid. Thank you for doing all this!
  • Your positive energy has made your foster child very skillful and talented. Parents like you are so inspiring, and you should feel proud of your achievements. You’ve opened up a whole new life for innocent children who have been abandoned by their own families. We all owe a lot to people like you, so thank-you from everyone who has been touched by your generosity!
  • Thank you for being so consistent with your child and showing him/her the love and compassion he/she lacked in life. Even with such limited resources, you put everything out there and raised an intelligent, smart, and capable kid.
  • You put so much effort into raising your foster kid and today, when that kid is doing so well in school, you must be feeling really proud. Thank you for taking up that kid years ago and treating him so well that he forgot all the sorrows. You are a role model for all of us.