Even an outstanding presentation will lose its sparkle and impact if it doesn’t end confidently. Thanking your audience at the end is a great way to round things off neatly. Although you may have been the one that compiled the presentation and felt nervous at the beginning, having a supportive audience can boost your confidence and carry you on to even greater things.  

Having a solid, definitive ending to a presentation leaves the audience with no doubt that you are finished. Thanking them appropriately for being attentive is not only polite but also opens the channels for future interaction and feedback. 

thank you for watching

Thank You For Watching Messages

Most of us don’t enjoy presenting in front of an audience. It makes us anxious or forget what we want to say. No matter what happens during the presentation, ending it respectfully and acknowledging your audience will go a long way to winning them over for future engagements.

Ten points to remember when thinking about the perfect way to say thank you for watching to an audience:

  1. Briefly summarize any main points before you say thank you for watching.
  2. Close with a memorable quote or add a short, catchy take-away phrase.
  3. Add humor if appropriate. It’s always good to end a presentation with a smiling audience.
  4. Don’t hurry the thank you message or make it sound like an afterthought.
  5. Keep the thank you message professional and sincere.
  6. Include a ‘call to action’ if appropriate
  7. Let your audience know how to contact you if they have additional questions.
  8. Include the thank you message on the final slide – include contact details if you have made a sales presentation.
  9. Specifically thank anyone who deserves a special mention. For example, if a professor assisted you with the research, it would be appropriate to thank that person by name.
  10. Follow up by sending out thank you cards.

Finding the best words to thank your audience can be challenging. You want to stand out from the other speakers and leave a lasting positive impression. Although each situation is unique, we have created some good examples of how to word thank you for watching messages that will delight your audience.

Thanks For Watching Messages

  • You have been a delightful audience. It has been both a privilege and an honor to share my [work/research findings/sponsorship proposal] with you. Thank you for watching so attentively. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any comments or questions.
  • It’s been an absolute pleasure to present this proposal to you. It’s not always easy for an audience to sit still for as long as you have! Thank you for watching, and I look forward to receiving feedback.
  • I have been thinking about this day for the past few weeks with excitement and some anxiety. I can see now that I am among supportive colleagues and friends, so I did not need to feel nervous. Thank you for being a delightful audience and making me feel supported while you were watching.
  • Thank you for watching so attentively. You made me feel like a celebrity while I was presenting.
  • Having you as an audience today has boosted my confidence. Thank you for watching, and I can’t wait to get started on the new project. Teamwork makes tough work seem easy!
  • It only takes a spark to create a huge fire. I hope that today the tiny spark in my message will start a raging fire of enthusiasm and action. Thank you for watching and sharing my vision.
  • They say the perfect audience doesn’t exist, but today you have proved that it does. Thank you for being on time, watching attentively, and showing interest in what was presented. I feel humbled and blessed.

Thank You For Watching My Presentation

  • I am honored that you attended today to watch my presentation. In front of me, I see a group of people who I look up to. Besides my parents, there are mentors, lecturers, and peers. Thank you to each one who has given me their time today.
  • To end this presentation, I want to thank everyone seated before me today. The subject matter was heavy, but the atmosphere in this room remained optimistic. Together we will get through these difficult times!
  • Thank you for watching my presentation with a spirit of cooperation. As you have seen, the time for action is now. Together we can be the voice of positive change.
thanks for watching presentation
  • I know how busy you all are, so it is deeply touching to me to see this room so full. Thank you for watching my presentation and providing me with feedback. I can’t wait to implement some of your suggestions.
  • We are at the end of the presentation. Thank you for watching, and I wish you all a safe journey home later. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any additional questions or require further information, and I will be happy to help.
  • Presenting in front of an audience can be daunting. Thank you for making me feel supported and encouraging me with your interest throughout the program. I look forward to working with this team of motivated people. I am confident that together we will achieve great things.

Thank You For Watching My Video

  • Time is precious, and I appreciate the time you have taken to watch my video. Thank you, I hope you enjoyed it.
  • Thank you for watching my video. I hope you enjoyed viewing it as much as I loved making it. There will be more coming soon, so look out for the next one.
  • I made this video as a pastime and never dreamed that someday it would have an audience. Thank you for watching and encouraging me to do what I love.
  • One of the greatest joys as an artist is sharing work with others and watching as they enjoy what you have made. Thank you for watching my video today.
  • It has been thrilling for me to have you watching my video today. Many artists only dream of this day, but today my dream became a reality thanks to you. I wish I could thank each of you individually now, but I would love to see your feedback on Twitter or Instagram.

Thank You For Watching My Slideshow

  • The slideshow that I presented today was a culmination of many years of work. Thank you to everyone who attended for allowing me to share my amazing journey with you.
  • When one prepares for a presentation like this, it is impossible to know how the information will be received. I am delighted to have presented today to a group of people with open hearts and minds. Thank you for watching my slideshow. We can move forward confidently, knowing that we are positive agents of change in the world.
  • It has been a joy to share my vision with you today. While putting together this slide show, I was a little anxious about how it would be received. Thank you for being an engaging and supportive audience. Let’s go out now and achieve great things.
  • This presentation has been about the greatness we can achieve by working together. Thank you for watching my slideshow.

Thanks For Watching Outro

  • Thank you for watching, and I wish you peace and happiness as we reflect on the message. We came, we learned together, and now we will go out and make a difference.
  • You’ve been an outstanding audience – thanks for watching. I hope to see you back again next time.
  • It’s been great having you here today. Thanks for watching, and invite your family and friends next time so we can share our message further. Together we can do more!
  • I love this [school/business/industry/ city/ profession] and am passionate about sharing my vision with everyone. Thanks for watching and making me feel at home here.
  • That’s all for today, folks! I can’t wait to get your feedback and comments. Thanks for watching, and I hope to see you all again really soon with another exciting video/ presentation.
  • Thanks for watching today. I hope to see you all again next time and until then, let’s keep moving forward!